Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ramiele Malubay on American Idol Season 7

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Ramiele Malubay, 20 y/o,a Filipino who enter the top 24 and now on going onto top 9. This Pinay describe by AI judges as " Big voice with a cute little girl with small package". Ramiele born in Saudi Arabia to her parent who is both Filipino, but an American Citizen at Marimar, Florida. She was nursing student in Florida and crue to her small business, she starts singing and singing when she was 12 on her cousin debut. Ramiele during her first time audition ning in Miami where she sang "Natural Woman" by Aretha Franklin amaze Randy Jackson and said "actually, your good and i was impress, you definitely have a big voice for a very cute small little girl", Paula says, "Ithink your fine singer and a fine performer", but Simon makes a joke to her and says," I think your agood singer, i don't think your a contemporary singer, i think you more than like a hotel singer". Ramiele found herself as lucky as she made through the American Idol season 7. Since, it was her auditioning, she wants to prove that she could be the first Filipino American Idol in AI histroy. Remember when jasmine failed to become an AI Idol, Camille who is another Filipina, who was eliminated on top 9 and Aj Tablado who has great teachnique and skills on Season 6, a guy that audition 5 times before and finally he made on top 24 but also failed and got eliminated. Now, as Ramiele is on top 9 we are hoping that she can made to final. Because she is a huge talent but she must choice the right song that suits her beautiful voice that will amaze America.

Ramiele sings Natural Woman during her Auditioning

Ramiele sings You Don't have to say you love me during the Top 24 performance night

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